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Peace to You! (A Hymn for Advent)
Peace to You! (A Hymn for Advent)
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
Peace, hope, joy and love, the traditional four themes represented by candles on the Advent wreath, are here celebrated and shared. Peace to you in fullest measure! Peace, a gift of God’s good pleasure; peace for all to share and treasure; peace to you this Advent-tide! Hope be y
When we fail temptation's testing
When we fail temptation's testing
by Andrew Pratt
When we fail temptation's testing, find our conscience sleeping, resting, hear your people's true confession, bring your grace to make us whole. Give us time for reparation, through your mercy, re-creation, yet when time prevents forgiving may your grace still make us whole. Vers
Hymn: Out of Nazareth
Hymn: Out of Nazareth
by Michael Docker
Out of Nazareth he came preaching, Speaking of good and God and reaching Those who hoped and those who doubted Good or God could come from there. As they followed at his leading We would follow whose lives are needing Hope like theirs and help that's rooted In the good God brough
4 results